Untapped Talent Printed Report


Invest in Untapped Talent: Drive Impactful Change

Get your copy of the groundbreaking 'Untapped Talent' report or license it for your entire organisation. This insightful research will help inform your strategies for attracting and retaining underemployed, highly qualified talent in Scotland.

As a social impact organisation, the income generated from your investment allows us to continue providing free or affordable training for marginalised groups and the charities that support them.

What You’ll Discover in the Report:

Based on extensive research, including responses from 638 individuals and 108 organisations across 88 nationalities, this report illuminates the alarming underutilisation of ethnic minority talent in Scotland.

  • Highly Educated, Underemployed: Among participants, 77.8% hold an undergraduate degree, and 38.6% have a Master's. Yet, the report reveals significant employment disparities.

  • Discrimination in Employment: A shocking 82% of respondents reported facing discrimination, whether during job applications, within the workplace, or both.

  • Overrepresentation in Low-Skilled Roles: In the healthcare sector, 80.29% of employed or underemployed Black and Multi-ethnic respondents are overrepresented in care assistant roles, highlighting a systemic issue.

A Missed Opportunity for Scotland: The underutilisation of this highly skilled workforce represents a significant lost potential for the country.

Recommendations for Action: The report offers 18 actionable recommendations spread over eight pages for government bodies, employers, funding organisations, and service providers to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment.

By investing in this report, your organisation will gain valuable insights to help drive positive change while empowering marginalised communities.

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